

Every two weeks, we delve into detailed analyses of the latest policy initiatives, funding mechanisms, and healthcare delivery channels impacting access to innovative medicines in China.
Access Pathway for Innovative Medicines in China: Pure Commercial Health Insurance

Access Pathway for Innovative Medicines in China: Pure Commercial Health Insurance

In the last installment, we introduced City Commercial Health Insurance (City CHI), a type of all-inclusive commercial health insurance positioned
5 min read
Access Pathway for Innovative Medicines in China: City Commercial Health Insurance ("Huiminbao")

Access Pathway for Innovative Medicines in China: City Commercial Health Insurance ("Huiminbao")

In the first installment of this 3-part China access pathway series, we discussed the basic social medical insurance (BMI)/the
5 min read
Access Pathway for Innovative Medicines in China: Basic Social Medical Insurance

Access Pathway for Innovative Medicines in China: Basic Social Medical Insurance

To understand the access pathways for innovative medicines in China, we have to follow the money. Three layers in China’
7 min read